Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Drawing progress; watercolour

In between chomping on Kit Kat Chunky Caramels, this what I have been up to tonight:

Since this post, I photocopied my drawing a few times so I had extras to experiment with different colours.

I gots my watercolours out to paint Mr Turtle, he's got some yellow going on!


Monday, 6 December 2010

Lagolo: beautiful drawing and design

Laura Gómez López is a graphic designer and illustrator from Spain. I spotted one of her lovely drawings on flickR a couple of years ago and have been following her work ever since. I thought I would post some of her work as I find it beautiful to look at, and I love the neat, personal style she consistently shows in each piece. Check out these drawings:

Some illustration work by Lagolo:

To see more of Laura's work, go to her flickR page and her website.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

PENTAX colourful K-r series DSLR camera

Picture source:cdenhaan on FlickR

I got pretty excited when I was browsing the latest selection of DSLR cameras and discovered the colourful PENTAX K-r.

Released in September 2010, the press release for this camera describes the PENTAX K-r as "A multi-featured, entry-class digital SLR camera, featuring simple operation and a host of creative tools in a compact, lightweight body".

So what is this DSLR business and why are we hearing so much about them? Well, in recent years the camera industry has changed. Technology of the digital camera has allowed masses of consumers to easily take, store and print photographs without the hassle of going somewhere to develop separate rolls of film. Amateur photography is fast becoming ever popular and camera manufacturers have cottoned onto the demand for affordable DSLR cameras.

The Canon Rebel series was particularly sucessful due to the intelligence developed to take high quality, stunning photographs in a user friendly format. Nikon also has a selection of affordable cameras for beginner DSLR photography users, such as the popular D40. There are plenty of photography sites dedicated to reviewing and comparing camera models, and it has to be noted that the camera industry is forever changing, with newer and updated models being brought out all the time. The key is to find the right camera for you by doing your research and thinking realistically about how often you'll use your camera and what kind of photos you want to take.

Personally I don't own a DSLR yet, this is largely due to me changing my mind about which model to get and committing myself to actually buying one. I will probably make an actual purchase when I'm just about to graduate from college (which is another couple of years so no doubt there will be even more choice. I wonder if Canon/Nikon will go down this colour DSLR route?)

Amazon stock photos of K-x (predeccesor to the K-r) in pink and metallic pink

Pentax is a long established camera company but perhaps are not as popular and iconic as the other brands, because they don't spend as much money on advertising. However I think they have produced a product which is worth shouting about due to its design appeal.

The Pentax K-r is available here in the UK in your classic black but also a pink and white colour option.

'Stormtrooper' version - looks so slick!

If you are lucky enough to live in Japan, you can choose your own custom colours for each part of the camera exterior. How cool! Check out these amazing colour combinations:

The amazing rainbow camera.

A lovely, soft, dreamy peach colour

This one is my favourite! I love pink!

Picture source: yosshi1202 on FlickR.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Mr Turtle drawing process

The jellyfish project I have been working on has expanded to a sealife project. Here are a couple of in progress pictures of a turtle, because turtles are awesome.

I have been using mechanical pencils a lot recently. I always thought they were no good for drawing but I have been converted.

Mr Turtle was strangely very satisfying to draw and shade. I really enjoyed bringing him to paper life.
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